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Welcome to our Aid Distribution Hub.  

If you've just had a sudden change in circumstances, fled violence, moved to a safe house, lost your home in a fire or flood, or had serious financial problems causing you to become homeless or in temporary accommodation, then you might be a little overwhelmed and facing a bare floor without even a kettle right now.

We're here to help.  We know asking for that help feels like the hardest thing in the world.  But, you'll soon discover a world of friendly faces, kind people who get pleasure from seeing you right. And always chance to pay it forwards in small acts of kindness when you are back on your feet.  So, let's give each other the chance you deserve.

What kind of things can I get help with?

Pink Sofa
Kids Clothes
Baby Strollers
Bride and Groom
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No problem!  You're life is a little bewildering right now. You have only just discovered us. Lots of people struggle with brain fog when they are under stress. Filling forms, applying for things feels impossible, even if you really want the help.  Sometimes it's better to start with an informal chat on the phone, or a quick message through our facebook page, or email.  Follow the links here and leave it to us. There is no pressure and we can quickly build a picture of what your priorities are and gently get a plan moving if you want us to.  Click Here:





Furniture, white goods, bedding, towels, pans, plates... teaspoons! We can help you make a daunting move into a home to be happy in.  We work hard to make it personal, trying to find items you'll love rather than make-do.  Household items are all pre-loved but we try to buy new duvets, linen and towels for hygiene reasons.  







Helping men and women put a basic wardrobe together to get you back on your feet. Whether you had to leave a dangerous situation quickly and left your clothes behind or just can't afford the basics, we're here to help. You can visit our boutique to choose with a friendly, private consultation (many people lose their confidence and don't know what to wear), or we'll put a selection together for you.  We can provide work uniform too.






Our Blushbaby project can equip your little one with everything they need to thrive and have a happy start. From cots to nappies, clothing to toys, nipple shields to high chairs, we've got a whole Babyblush Boutique. We'll create you a starter box or find specific items.  To nominate yourself, or refer someone to Blushbaby, follow the link here:






Sometimes life throws us a wild card and special occasions can't wait - a child's birthday where no magic wand will bring toys and a cake, a wedding called forward due to serious illness, a prom date for a young disabled person, or a woman with a mental health or physical body issue that makes special occasions a traumatic prospect. As it happens, we have 10 years experience in exactly this. We can even help with your event plans.  Let's see if we can fairytale up your life a little!  (We love a good wedding by the way!)






If you've fallen into financial difficulty it can be hard to avoid the bills. We all tend to bury our heads a little and before we know it, they grew to the size of the house itself!  We can help unravel the problem, call suppliers and make sure you are getting all your entitlements. For emergencies we can apply for a small grant to help you get out of the danger of freezing.  We don't dish out cash, but we do dish out non-judgmental support to get you through.
I once had nothing but an egg in my fridge, and no money for 3 weeks. A mystery person at work left me a carrier bag of food under my desk. I was baffled - no idea where it came from, and ashamed that I eagerly took it home and lived on the kindness for weeks. I have never forgotten it in nearly 40 years. We don't distribute food at Welllbeing in Action, except for occasional treats (birthday cakes, christmas hampers etc) as the food banks do an excellent specialist job of this. But we can refer you to take the stress of phone calls away.  Let us know if we can help.
We don't give out cash, but we are licensed and vetted to distribute grants to assist with all kind of emergency, crisis and fresh start items - from a training course to get you back to work after being in prison, a denture repair to keep you eating and smiling, a Homestart pack for things we can't provide pre-loved, bus pass to visit your children or a domestic violence training course to build your resilience.  Whatever would improve your day, week, year... life - tell us.  We'll do our best to make it happen.  If we can, we do.

Are you concerned about a friend, or supporting someone professionally? You can refer them to receive aid and support.  Simply click the link below to complete our online referral, or email:

We'll get back to you very quickly.

click here for our online referral form

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Wellbeing in Action 2022 .  All rights, logos, trademarks and content belong to Wellbeing in Action and may not be reproduced, copied or used by any third party without the expressed permssion in writing from the Chair of Trustees.  Infingement may result in legal action.

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Wellbeing Centre:  12A School Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2JU                                                                                               For a copy of our privacy policy please click here  (General Enquiries) (Aid Distribution & Donations)
01626 638069
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