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Valentine's Party



A fantastic afternoon of musical entertainment, jive dancing and delicious afternoon tea as part of our End Loneliness Campaign for older people. 


On Friday 10th February, lonely hearts will be filled with friendship as our guests enjoy the incredible sounds of the Accabellas, are wowed by Martyn Padden and dance cards are marked for hitting the floor to some jive beats.  Our entertainment crew will be serving a tasty afternoon tea themed to our vintage valentine inspiration.  


This event aims to reduce loneliness and raise wellbeing and tickets for over 70's are free of charge and just £3 for other guests.  Why not invite a neighbour who lives alone, pass the word to a local community centre and bring along a relative who might not get much social contact.  We can't wait to revive their spirits with our hospitality.  


£3 entry and free to over 70s.


Buy tickets from the Good Karma Store, Market Square, Newton Abbot

Limited tickets available on the door on the day

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Wellbeing in Action 2022 .  All rights, logos, trademarks and content belong to Wellbeing in Action and may not be reproduced, copied or used by any third party without the expressed permssion in writing from the Chair of Trustees.  Infingement may result in legal action.

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Wellbeing Centre:  12A School Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2JU                                                                                               For a copy of our privacy policy please click here  (General Enquiries) (Aid Distribution & Donations)
01626 638069
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